SlimFire Keychain Remote
Turn your house lights on and off from the safety of your car! X10's keychain remotes have long been a favorite for control and convenience! It's powerful, sleek and thin design is exactly what our customers have asked for! It has dual on/off buttons to remotely control two X10 Modules.
Buy Now! Only $19.99!

Order online or call anytime 888-570-4964
Don't forget to mention the promotion code: x10_12692186751
*Prices are posted in $US dollars ONLY! Offer for $0 Fedex Ground shipping for orders $49.99 or more are valid only in the United States of America. Note: Some orders may be shipped via USPS Priority Mail. Orders to Canada have a $10 Shipping & Handling Charge and will have a goods & services tax (GST #10575 8056 RT0001) added to the order. Prices may change without notice. X10 accepts only credit card payment (VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express), for both online and telephone orders. X10 reserves the right to discontinue the posted promotional offers at any time. Technical support is available only to customers in the US and Canada.