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X10 Showtime with Free Tripod (VGA Version)


Perfect for Sharing with Your Friends & Family

X10's ShowTime™ VGA Version with TRIPOD
Under $100 if You Order Now!

Don't be limited to viewing your digital photos on your computer! Imagine having friends and family over, relaxing in the family room as you dazzle them with an amazing digital "slide show" of your last vacation on the BIG SCREEN TV! It's a lot of fun! Show off your digital photos and videos all at once and scan/find what you want with a push of a button!

  • Easy to organize and view ALL your digital photos & movies!
  • RUN THE SHOW ON YOUR TV with the sleek remote!
  • ZOOM Feature! Select any area of your photo and zoom in or out!
  • Easy to set up! Takes 5 minutes!

Order Now &
Save $90!
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Everything You Need is Included:

List Price

ShowTime Video Kit which includes: $149.99
  • X10 ShowTime Remote
  • TV Video Receiver
  • VGA Transmitter
X10 Showtime Software (download) $19.99
FREE DaVinci Tripod $19.99
FREE FedEx Shipping FREE!!
Sold Separately: $189.97
NOW ONLY: $99.99
You Save: $89.98 (47%)
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List Price: $199.99
Your Price: $99.99
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X10 SlimFire Keychain Pocket Remote


SlimFire Keychain Remote
Turn your house lights on and off from the safety of your car! X10's keychain remotes have long been a favorite for control and convenience! It's powerful, sleek and thin design is exactly what our customers have asked for! It has dual on/off buttons to remotely control two X10 Modules.

Buy Now! Only $19.99!
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List Price: $39.99
Your Price: $19.99
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x10 Slimline Wireless Wall Switch (Gold)


Slimline Wireless Wall Switch (Gold)
Micro thin! Only 7 millimeters! Completely indistinguishable from an ordinary wall plate. Single push-button programmability. 3 on/off buttons PLUS 4th button dimmer control. Adheres to any surface. Mount it anywhere to have the perfect wall switch right where you've always wanted -- no wiring!

Buy Now! Only $24.99!
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List Price: $49.99
Your Price: $24.99
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x10 Slimline Wireless Wall Switch (White)


Slimline Wireless Wall Switch (White)
Micro thin! Only 7 millimeters! Completely indistinguishable from an ordinary wall plate. Single push-button programmability. 3 on/off buttons PLUS 4th button dimmer control. Adheres to any surface. Mount it anywhere to have the perfect wall switch right where you've always wanted -- no wiring!

Buy Now! Only $19.99!
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List Price: $39.99
Your Price: $19.99
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X10 Smart Macro Software Module for Active Home with two Eagle


With X10's SmartMacro Software Module for ActiveHome Pro, your home will be able to ask questions, find answers and then make intelligent decisions all by itself! X10's SmartMacro Software Module adds "conditional capability" to macros in ActiveHome Pro. When you check one or more conditions before running a macro (also known as an if/then command), your macro can control lights and appliances differently depending on the results! The possibilities and benefits are endless! Automate your life now and you'll benefit immediately with increased security, safety, convenience and fun!

Imagine the Possibilities!
  • More Security! If you detect motion outside during the day, ring the chime module. If at night, turn on exterior lights to full brightness!
  • Add Convenience! Never be blinded by lights at night! Teach them to turn on automatically at 50% brightness after 11pm!
  • Increase Safety! Adjust "welcome home" lighting after a certain time to avoid waking the family!

Order Now & Save 50%! 
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Everything You Need is Included:  
SmartMacro Software Module for ActiveHome Pro $49.99
Motion Sensor (2) $0.00
$0.00 FedEx Shipping $0.00
NOW ONLY: $49.99
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List Price: $99.99
Your Price: $49.99
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X10 Socket Rocket Screw-In Lamp Module


Socket Rocket Screw-In Lamp Module
A great addition to any X10 system. Control a lamp AND a light fixture, requiring a normal light bulb, from across the room or the other side of the house.
  • Remotely control a light fixture - just screw it in.
  • Easy to install because it's wireless!

Buy Now! Only $19.99!
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List Price: $49.99
Your Price: $19.99
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X10 SoundPower Wireless Speaker Jack System with Amp


Wireless Music Made Easy

Creating "surround sound" without running wires is made easy with X10's SoundPower Wireless Speaker Jack System with Amp. SoundPower's advanced wireless 2.4 GHz transmitter sends music/audio from any audio source - stereo, CD player, etc. - to any speakers within 100 feet! Order now to enjoy your music anywhere!

  • Transmits stereo sounds in or out of the home!

  • Enhance your home theater system!

  • FREE BOOM 2000 PC Kit: PC Music Anywhere!

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Included: List
Wireless SoundPower Speaker/Jack System $129.99
RF Receiver $29.99
$0.00 RCA/Stereo Cable $0.00
$0.00 FedEx Shipping $0.00
Sold Separately: $159.98
NOW ONLY: $129.99
You Save: $29.99 (19%) 
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List Price: $199.99
Your Price: $129.99
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x10 Sundowner Console


The X10 Sundowner Controller lets you remotely control lights and appliances from anywhere in
your home. It also turns lights on automatically at dusk. You can keep it by the bedside and turn
off the TV without getting out of bed. You can turn off your child’s radio or night light from your
bedroom. You can turn on ALL lights connected to Lamp Modules and Wall Switch Modules with
the push of a button if you hear a noise at night. You can even turn off everything in the system
with one button to save energy. How many times have you gone to bed and left a downstairs light
on because you didn’t want to get out of bed to turn it off? Now you don’t have to.
Caution: Be very careful when you use your X10 Sundowner Controller with any kind of
appliance. If you accidentally turn on an empty coffee pot for example, you could burn out the
element and even create a fire hazard. Switching on an unattended heater could also cause a
serious fire hazard.
The X10 Sundowner Controller activates lights and appliances throughout your home from any
convenient location. The Sundowner Controller transmits signals to the Modules over your
existing house wiring. You plug lamps into Lamp Modules, plug appliances into Appliance
Modules and replace wall light switches with Wall Switch Modules. You can then control virtually
everything electrical in your home. You can also dim and brighten lamps, and have them come on
automatically at dusk.
How it works
The Sundowner Controller tells the Modules what to do. Command signals are sent over your existing
house wiring to the Module or Modules of your choice. The Modules respond to the command
signals. The Lamp Module turns on and off, and dims and brightens any incandescent lamp up to 300
watts. The Appliances Module turns on and off appliances such as a TV, (not “instant on” TVs), a
window fan, or a stereo. It can also be used for a lamp - but cannot dim it. The Wall Switch Module
turns on and off, and dims and brightens an incandescent light up to 500 watts, which is normally
operated by a wall switch.
To turn ON a light or appliance
Press and release the TOP of one of the 4 number keys corresponding to the Unit Code set on the
Module to be controlled.
To turn all lights on (i.e. all lamps connected to Lamp Modules or Wall Switch Modules set to the
same House Code) press the TOP of the All Lights On/All Units Off key. This key does not affect
Appliance Modules.
To turn OFF a light or appliance
Press and release the BOTTOM of one of the 4 number keys corresponding to the Unit Code set on
the Module to be controlled.
To turn off all modules, including Appliance Modules, press the bottom of the All Lights On/All
Units Off key.
To Dim or Brighten lights
Press and release the TOP of the number key for the Lamp Module or Wall Switch Module you want
to Dim or Brighten (you can’t Dim or Brighten Appliance Modules). Then press the TOP of the Dim/
Bright key to Brighten or the BOTTOM of the Dim/Bright key to Dim the light. Hold the key pressed
until the desired brightness level is reached.
The Finder Label is a convenient place to indicate the locations of lights and appliances controller by
your system. There is one box for each unit key.
Automatic Light Control
Test the Dusk-to-Dawn operation by covering up the front of the Sundowner with your hand. The
lights you selected (with the slide switches underneath the Sundowner Controller) should come on.
Remove your hand and the lights should go off again. Adjust the sensitivity setting for the lights to
come on when you want them to - a little trial and error may be needed.
Using the Sundowner Controller
4. Adjust the slide switches on the base of the Sundowner Controller to choose which lights you
want to come on at dusk and go off at dawn. Set the sensitivity to Max.
Having 16 choices for the Housecode lets you set up several independent systems in one home
without interaction among them. Also, you can avoid interference with, or from a neighbor’s system
by choosing a different Housecode letter.
Setting up the Sundowner Controller
1. To install your Sundowner Controller, simply plug the power cord into any functioning wall
outlet. Position the controller where the light sensor on the front of the controller can “see”
daylight, e.g. near a window in a room which is usually unlit at dusk.
2. Set the slide switch on the top of the Sundowner Controller for the Modules you want it to
control (1 thru 4 or 5 thru 8).
3. Using a small screwdriver, choose one the 16 letters on the Sundowner Controller’s Housecode
dial. All X10 Modules have a similar red Housecode dial. Set the Sundowner Controller and all
the Modules to be controlled by it to the same Housecode letter.
List Price: $49.95
Your Price: $19.99
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X10 SuperRemote Lighting Control Kit


Have you ever been lying on the couch enjoying a movie and you want to turn off a light in the room? Don't want to disturb your comfort? Now, X10 comes to the rescue with the Super Remote Lighting Control Kit!
  • Turn on/off your lights from anywhere in the house!
  • Easy to set up!
  • Universal remote works with your TV and VCR too!

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Everything You Need is Included:  
Super Remote Controller  
Lamp Module  
Wireless Transceiver Module  
NOW ONLY: $29.99
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List Price: $79.99
Your Price: $29.99
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x10 Thermostat Set-Back Controller


Thermostat Set-Back Controller
Automate and control all the thermostats in your house for BIG energy savings and maximum convenience. Come home to a warm house, without the heat being on all day!

Buy Now! Only $19.99!
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List Price: $39.99
Your Price: $19.99
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X10 Touch Tone Controller 5pc Kit


Use your phone to control your entire home from anywhere in the world! With the X10 5-pc Touch Tone Controller Kit, you can call in and change the temperature, turn off the lights or control your home appliances from anywhere in the world!
  • Activate your lights and appliances by phone from anywhere!
  • Control up to 10 modules from a touch-tone phone!
  • Turn up your home's heating just as you leave for work!

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Everything You Need is Included: List Price
TouchTone Controller $39.99
Set-back Thermostat $19.99
Lamp Module $12.99
3-pin Appliance Module $13.99
2-pin Appliance Module $12.99
$0.00  FedEx Shipping $0.00
Sold Separately: $99.95
NOW ONLY: $69.99
You Save: $29.96 (30%)
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List Price: $179.99
Your Price: $69.99
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x10 Touch Tone Controller Console


Touch Tone Controller Console

Your phone is now the ultimate control center. Call home to turn on the lights, hot tub, heat, music, and more. By simply using your phone, whether at the office, a friend's house, or even as you're driving home, call the Touch Tone Controller, push the button for the command you want and it's done. Controls up to 10 modules from any touch-tone phone. Can be set to flash lights when the telephone rings, a great feature for the hearing impaired.

Buy Now! Only $39.99!
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List Price: $79.99
Your Price: $39.99
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X10 Universal 5-in-1 Learning Remote


Universal 5-in-1 Learning Remote
he Universal 5-in-1 Learning Remote controls TV, VCR, Cable, and Satellite in a convenient and uncluttered design. It also includes Home Control when used in conjunction with the X10 Transceiver (or any X10 security system base receiver), allowing it to be used to switch and dim lighting in a home theater application for example. 

The learning function ensures that the remote will work with any audio/video product, no matter how obscure. It even allows operation of IR controlled air conditioning and drapery controls, for example.

Teaching the remote a new set of codes is performed by placing the two remotes so that they face each other and pressing the key sequence to initiate programming. Each key on the original remote is then pressed in sequence followed by its corresponding key on the Universal 5-in-1 Learning Remote. 

Buy Now! Only $49.99!
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List Price: $99.99
Your Price: $49.99
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x10 Universal Module


Universal Module
This module uses isolated contacts to control such low voltage devices as sprinkler systems, drapery controls, garage door openers, and yard lighting. It can be set for momentary or sustained contact closure, and has a built in chime.

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List Price: $49.99
Your Price: $18.99
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X10 USB Video Capture Adapter


Video Capture Adapter with Drivers (Download)
The PC Video/USB Adapter Kit (Model VA11A) allows you to connect any X10 camera to your PC so you can view live video on your computer. It contains a USB connector on one end (plugs into USB port on your PC) and RCA cable on other end. Simply plug the RCA Cable into the Video Receiver (for Wireless cameras such as XCam2) or plug the camera (Anaconda, NightWatch) into the RCA Cable.

Designed for these X10 software products:

  • PanTiltPRO Software
  • WebView Software
  • MultiView Software
  • XRay Vision Software

Buy Now! Only $69.99!
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List Price: $149.99
Your Price: $69.99
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X10 Vanguard Camera Control Center Software Pack


Add PC & Internet power to your Vanguard camera! With the Vanguard Internet Control Center Software, you can view LIVE video from your Vanguard camera from anywhere! Total control of the Pan and Tilt features from any PC with internet access puts a complete remote surveillance system at your command. Just one click logs you into your SECURE Vanguard Camera Network!

  • View LIVE, full-motion video!
  • See/control multiple cameras.
  • Automatically send yourself email alerts.
  • Digitally record video, stills, and motion/alarm events!
  • Create a complete history of camera activity!
  • Plus much more!

Order Now!
Limited Time Offer!

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Vanguard  Internet Control Center Software $149.99
USB Video Capture Adapter $69.99
Wireless PC Transceiver $49.99
$0.00 FedEx Shipping $0.00
Sold Separately: $269.97
NOW ONLY: $99.99
You Save: $169.98 (63%)
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List Price: $199.99
Your Price: $99.99
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X10 Vanguard Video Camera System


Never settle for less than the best in surveillance! The Vanguard Surveillance Camera is the ultimate surveillance camera for your home! With 44X maximum zoom, you’ll be able to see up to half a mile away and view in live COLOR what your Vanguard sees directly on a TV or VCR! Use your professional-grade Vanguard as a wired surveillance camera or wirelessly within 100 feet of the included Video Receiver. Start protecting your loved ones and valuables today!

  • Get up close and personal. See across the room or up to a half-mile away.
  • Follow all the action with precision pan & tilt.
  • Get a crystal-clear picture with professional-grade optics and automatic image control.

Buy Now & Save $360!
Order Now & Save $29.99!! 
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List Price: $799.99
Your Price: $499.99
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X10 VideoSENDER with $20 Gift Certificate


Ever wish you had cable on all your TVs?. X10's Wireless Video Sender is the perfect solution! It broadcasts the video signal from one TV to another without wires! Order now & get a $20 Gift Certificate!

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Included: List
Wireless Transmitter $49.99
Stereo Video Patch Cables  
Coaxial Video Cable  
$0.00 $20 Gift Certificate $0.00
$0.00 FedEx Shipping $0.00
NOW ONLY: $49.99
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List Price: $99.99
Your Price: $49.99
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X10 Voice-Dial Personal Assistance


Help your loved ones enhance their personal security and keep their independence! X10's Personal Assistance Voice-Dialer allows the person you love to press a single button on the included heart pendant to trigger 3-way assistance with flashing lights (with lights connected to an X10 Lamp Module), a screaming siren, and personal monitoring! The Personal Assistance Dialer can call up to four numbers that you program into the system and play a pre-recorded message to each person, then allows each person to "listen" in so they can hear what's going on. NO MONTHLY FEES!

  • Max
  • Protection: Screaming siren & emergency dialer!
  • In an emergency, calls up to 4 pre-set numbers!
  • Easy to Use! Sets up in only 5 minutes!

Personal Assistance Voice Dialer: Buy Now & Save!!
Order Now & Save!! 
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Personal Assistance Voice Dialer Main Console
One Heart Pendant  
$0.00 FedEx Shipping $0.00
NOW ONLY: $49.99

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List Price: $149.99
Your Price: $49.99
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x10 Wall Switch Module


Wall Switch Module
Upgrades your existing standard single pole wall switches. For automation of indoor/outdoor lights including front porch, patio, hallway, and stairway lights.

Features: Rated at 500W (incandescent). Dimmable through X10 controllers.

Buy Now! Only $12.99!
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List Price: $39.99
Your Price: $12.99
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